Acne Awareness Month

June is Acne Awareness Month—a chance to learn more about this skin condition that affects so many people.

Acne Facts

Here are facts about acne from the American Academy of Dermatology Association:

  • Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans every year.
  • About 85% of people ages 12 – 24 have experienced acne.
  • Acne can develop at any age and can continue into a person’s 30s and 40s.
  • Acne is common in adults.

Types of Acne

Can you recognize the six main types of acne?

  1. Blackheads – Small bumps with a black speck in the middle

2. Whiteheads – Small, flesh-colored bumps

3. Papules – Inflamed red or dark-colored bumps

4. Pustules – Red bumps with yellow or white pus

5. Cysts – Painful inflamed bumps under the skin filled with pus

6. Nodules – Hard, painful, inflamed bumps under the skin without pus

While mild products can easily treat blackheads and whiteheads, reducing papules, pustules, cysts and nodules requires stronger formulas.

Acne Treatment

Tired of breakouts? Check out the products available in my online store. These pharmaceutical-grade products from GlyMed Plus treat mild to advanced acne symptoms by reducing bacteria, excess oil and dead skin cells.

Top Picks:

  1. Sal-X Exfoliating Cleanser
  2. Skin Astringent No. 2
  3. Skin Medication No. 5
  4. Exfoliant Wash Cleanser
  5. Serious Acne Wash

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