Fast Facts You Didn’t Know About Hand Hygiene

October 15 is Global Handwashing Day, so let’s see how much you know about the importance of washing your hands.

Here are surprising facts about handwashing from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • Washing hands with soap and water could reduce 50% of deaths caused by disease.
  • If everyone washed their hands regularly, it could prevent 1 million deaths a year.
  • Handwashing could reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses by 16 – 21% in the general population.
  • A study found that using alcohol-based hand sanitizer lowered infection-related absences
    by 20% in 16 elementary schools and 6,000 students.
  • Handwashing education in the community:
    -decreases school absences due to GI illness in children up to 57%

And… since we often touch our face with our hands, handwashing can prevent dirt, bacteria and pollutants from causing acne, eczema or other skin conditions.

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